After more than 40 years of evaluating thousands of hotels throughout the world, I have learned there are three basic skills every hotelier needs to possess.
The First Skill- is knowing how to perform a Hotel Market Analysis- How does your hotel compete with other properties in the market and how to measure the impact of new hotels entering the area? It is also used for doing hotel feasibility studies.
The Second Skill is the ability to accurately Forecast Revenue and Expense- How to evaluate your hotel’s financial performance and budgeting for the future.
And lastly, you need to know how to measure the value of your hotel. Every operational decision ultimately affects your property’s value. My course details the procedures for valuing a hotel along with strategies to enhance its value.
If you want to learn these essential skills, I have boiled them down into a comprehensive 35-hour online course- How to Perform a Hotel Market Study and Valuation Using Hotel Valuation Software.
You will be working with the latest version of my Hotel Market Analysis and Valuation Software- three state-of-the-art models used by thousands of hotel owners, operators, lenders, and consultants all over the world. The course includes your personal copy of this software package which will become a valuable component of your hotel analysis toolkit.
Most importantly, I will play a vital role during your learning process- through the wonders of Zoom- you can reach out to me with your questions and I will personally assist. After completing the course, I will also be available to mentor your professional development. Hopefully, this will be the start of a long-term friendship.
Lastly, upon successfully completing my course you can earn the prestigious certification- Certified Hotel Valuation Software Consultant (CHVSC) designation which further enhances your resume and sets you apart from other hotel industry professionals.
This course and software package also provides answers to a wide range of key hotel investment questions such as- How much is my hotel worth? What can I do to maximize value? What is the likely impact of new competition? How much value will a refurbishment add? Is my market strong enough to support adding more hotel rooms? What is the impact of my brand adding another hotel to the market?
So why should you take this course?
Quite Simply- If your role includes responsibility for generating an economic return for yourself, your investors, or clients- you need to take my course and use this software to assist with all your important business decisions.
The cost for the How to Perform a Hotel Market Study and Valuation Using Hotel Valuation Software course is $895 which includes the following:
- Access to the course
- Unlimited downloads of the software, articles, and publications.
- Unlimited one-on-one Zoom calls with Steve Rushmore.
- Upon completion of the course and a passing grade on the final project, you will receive a certificate (via e-mail) suitable for framing.
- With your permission copies of your certificate will be e-mailed to prospective employers and anyone else you designate.
- Your name will appear in the Directory of CHVS members located at
- Free software upgrades of Version 6.0